
Time running out to submit nomination for prestigious award

The closing date to nominate a maritime champion for the Merchant Navy Welfare Board’s (MNWB) prestigious annual awards is looming.

The Annual Award for Services to Seafarers’ Welfare, which was repurposed this year for the first time since the award launched 36 years ago, closes on Wednesday, July 31st.

It comes so more individuals can be recognised for providing exceptional service to seafarers and fishers across the sector.

This year five new categories have been introduced, including one for ‘Most collaborative organisation’ and an ‘Innovation award’.

The 2024 annual awards categories

Volunteer of the year
Team member of the year
Lifetime achievement award
Most collaborative organisation
Innovation award

Chief Executive of the MNWB Stuart Rivers said:

This is a fantastic opportunity to reward those who have gone above and beyond to make a difference in the maritime welfare sector.

“The awards enable us to show our sincere appreciation for the difference those individuals make to improving seafarers’ welfare.

“We look forward to hearing stories that continue to capture our hearts.”

Nominees can be either salaried personnel or volunteers in the maritime charity sector and should have a history of making a positive and proactive contribution to the welfare of seafarers over a long period of time.

Last year’s recipients of the award were Robert Campbell, Sandy Nairne, Paula Daly and Sister Mary Scholastica, pictured above.

For details on how to make a nomination, click here

The closing date for nominations is July 31st.

The awards will be presented at our flagship Port Welfare Conference, which will take place in Liverpool from September 11-12.