MNWB is the UK’s National Seafarers’ Welfare Board, appointed by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency in 2021. In practice, we have been fulfilling this role since we were founded in 1948 but now have an even greater focus on improving the welfare of seafarers and fishers as required by MLC, 2006 and the C188 Work in Fishing Convention.
Working with our members, the MCA and the Department for Transport, our aim is support and equip those organisations that provide front line welfare services to all seafarers and fishers visiting UK ports.
Main Objectives
- Ensure an integrated approach to the provision of welfare to seafarers and the most effective use of MCA and MNWB resources and expertise in order to comply with seafarer welfare provisions of MLC, 2006 and C188 Work in Fishing Convention.
- Help promote collaboration at national, regional and local levels to ensure that effective procedures are in place and implemented with regard to promoting seafarers’ welfare within the UK.
- Keep under review the adequacy of existing welfare facilities in appropriate ports, monitor the need for the provision of additional facilities and withdrawal of the use of under-utilised facilities.
- Promote awareness of each organisation’s role in the provision of welfare to seafarers and fishers to improve collaboration and communication where necessary.
- Help to ensure that no seafarer or fisher is left without welfare support in the context of the responsibilities of the UK Government as set out in ILO MLC, 2006 and C188
- Promote co-operation with other Member States of the ILO to promote the welfare of seafarers and fishers at sea and in port.
The National Seafarers’ Welfare Board oversees a network of 15 Port Welfare Committees (PWCs), and a National Seafarers’ Welfare Board in Gibraltar, that focus on improving welfare provision in the ports they represent. The PWCs include members from the MCA, Port Health, Unions, Shipowners, Port Owners and Welfare Charities, making them an effective body for positive change in ports.
The MGN 486 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and ILO Work in Fishing Convention 2007; Access to shore-based welfare facilities details the MNWB’s role as the UK National Seafarers’ Welfare Board.
If you are interested in the work we do or want to partner with us, you can contact us here.